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    Вы здесь » H2o просто добавь воды » .|aкции » Акция vol 1:каноны

    Акция vol 1:каноны

    Сообщений 1 страница 50 из 62


    в этой акции участвуют абсолютно все канонические персонажи ; на них действуют следующие привилегии:

    - участие в квестах
    - любовь со стороны администрации
    - анкета, по упрощенному приему;

    Phoebe Tonkin  / Cleo Sertori
    Indiana Evans / Bella

    Cariba Heine/Rikki Chadwick
    Cleo Massey / Kim Sertori
    Claire Holt / Emma Gilbert
    Indiana Evans / Bella
    Angus McLaren / Lewis McCartney - очень нужен
    Burgess Abernethy / Zane Bennett
    Luk Mitchell /Uiil...
    Alan David Lee / Don Sertori
    Debarah Coulls  / Bev Sertori
    Trent Sullivan / Elliot Gilbert
    Jared Robinsen / Neil Gilbert
    Caroline Kennison / Lisa Gilbert
    Christine Amor / Miss Chatham
    Joss McWilliam /  Harrison Bennett
    Lara Cox / Dr Denman
    Christopher Poree  / Byron
    Annabelle Stephenson / Miriam
    Alice Hunter  / Tiffany
    Jamie Timony / Nate



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    Esperio Review – Some Facts About This Offshore Fraud
    Forex and CFD trading is a very specific industry. It can be very risky, therefore we are always looking for reliable and trusted companies. If you were hoping that Esperio broker is the one, you were wrong.

    A company that doesn’t have a license and has a fake virtual address is not the one we should trust. They are based officially in St.Vincent and Grenadines, but in reality, it is most probably different. Since on the same address, we managed to find many different scamming companies. Let’s take a look at this Esperio review for more info.

    Furthermore, we highly recommend that you avoid the scam brokers Vital Markets, Sky Gold Market, and DamkoNet.

    Broker status: Unregulated Broker
    Regulated by: Unlicensed Scam Brokerage
    Scammers Websites: Esperio.org
    Blacklisted as a Scam by: NSSMC
    Owned by: OFG Gap. LTD
    Headquarters Country: St. Vincent and Grenadines
    Foundation year: 2021
    Supported Platforms: MT4/MT5
    Minimum Deposit: 1$
    Cryptocurrencies: Yes – BTC, ETH, XRP
    Types of Assets: Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares, Cryptocurrencies
    Maximum Leverage: 1:1000
    Free Demo Account: No
    Accepts US clients: No
    report a scam.
    Esperio Is a Non – Licensed Fraud Broker?
    Financial Services Authority from St. Vincent and Grenadines already stated that they are unauthorized to provide licenses for Forex and CFD trading. Therefore, that country doesn’t have legal supervision.

    If you take a look at the countries that Esperio is operating in, you will see that they don’t have any other licensing.

    Since they are scamming traders from Italy, the UK, Germany, Poland, and more, you would expect them to have FCA or BaFin regulations. As you could guess, they don’t.

    High leverages, bonuses and cryptocurrencies. Everything that is not regulated is available with Esperio broker. That being said, you don’t want to deal with something when you don’t know the terms.

    Arguments For Trading With a Licensed Broker
    Since we checked the database of Tier 1 regulators ( FCA, BaFin and ASIC ) and found nothing, we can confirm that this is a complete scam. These Tier 1 regulators are offering stability and security to clients.

    You know that your funds are at any point in time protected and that nobody can scam you. Any terms and conditions are strictly controlled by the regulator.

    Warnings From Financial Regulators
    Esperio Warnings From Financial Regulators
    Ukrainian regulatory body NSSMC has issued a warning against Esperio broker. That happened in August 2022. It’s just a matter of time before other countries will add their warnings against this broker.

    That’s a time when these brokers vanish and just do a rebranding with the same principle. Be careful.

    Does Esperio Offer MetaTrader 5?
    Besides MT4, an industry standard, they offer as well MT5 trading platform. It has higher functionality and a variety of trading tools available. Starting from social trading, advanced EA trading tools and indicators and many more.

    This is the only thing we could give credit for to the company in this Esperio review.

    What Financial Instruments Does Esperio Include?
    Financial classes like in many other companies are available. So, if you go with a regulated company, you are not missing anything. Those classes are:

    Forex                       USD/JPY, EUR/NZD, USD/CAD
    Indices                     DAX30, FTSE100, BE20
    Commodities           crude oil, platinum, gold
    Shares                     BMW, Tesla, Visa
    Cryptocurrencies    ETH, BTC, BNB
    Like with any CFD trading company, especially non-regulated, you should be extremely careful. Leverages are mostly higher than allowed in regulated companies.

    Areas Of Esperio
    The list of countries they are reaching out to is quite big. Yet, there are most probably many more unconfirmed. Countries, they are scamming traders from, are:

    Even Esperio reviews are saying the same thing. People over and over losing money with them and not being able to withdraw their profits.

    Esperio And The Types Of Accounts Offered
    The company offers 4 different account types:

    Esperio Standard
    Esperio Cent
    Esperio Invest
    Esperio MT4 ECN
    For any account mentioned above you get certain benefits. Spreads, commissions, overnight swaps and bonuses are the fields they are changing to lure you into their net. As for the minimum requirement, for any account, it is 1$.

    You already know that nothing is for free. So, when you invest your first dollar, expect to be asked for more.

    Esperio Offers Free Demo Accounts?
    The company doesn’t offer a demo account. However, it is not needed since the minimum investment is only 1$. But, if you want to keep your information private, a demo account sounds like a good option here.

    Nobody wants to disclose personal information and banking information to a fraudulent company.

    Esperio Deposit and Withdrawal Policies
    As a payment option, Esperio offers Visa/Mastercards, bank transfers and cryptocurrency transfers. Some of the systems are charging a commission as well. Detailed conditions are only available if you register.

    Withdrawing the funds is going to be trouble. We checked other Esperio reviews and we found that people were unable to get any of the funds back. Most of the time the broker is asking you to pay some additional fees before funds are released.

    Of course, if you fall for that story, they know they extracted everything from you. And you never hear back again from them.

    Esperio Terms and Conditions
    If the company is offering leverages up to 1:1000 you know they can’t have regulations. The reason for that is that regulatory bodies don’t allow it higher than 1:30.

    Another speculative thing about this broker are bonuses that they are offering. This is as well not allowed according to regulations. To sum it up, any of your funds won’t be safe here no matter what advertisement they put out.

    Esperio Broker Scammed You? – Please Tell Us Your Story
    We like to hear our clients’ stories. That way, we can find out if the broker has implemented something new in their tactics. As well, as that way you can protect other people from being scammed.

    In the case that it was you, don’t be ashamed. It can happen to anyone. Yet there is a solution. A chargeback works like a charm. Don’t waste any more time and reach our experts for the first step!

    What Is the Chargeback Procedure?
    This is a money reversal procedure. Your bank knows where the money is going. If you request it at the right time, you can get your funds back. Get in touch today to see how!

    What Is Esperio?
    Esperio broker is a non-licensed offshore company. They operate from St. Vincent and Grenadines, allegedly.

    Is Esperio a scam Broker?
    If the regulatory body of some country is issuing a warning, then you can say it for sure.

    Is Esperio Available in the United States or the UK?
    This broker only offers services to clients coming from the UK, but not US.

    Does Esperio Offer a Demo Account?
    Unfortunately, they don’t offer a demo account, just live accounts with a minimum deposit of 1$.

    Get your money back from a scam

    If you?ve been ripped off by scammers, get in touch and our team of experts will work to get your money back


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